Thursday, July 12, 2007


Our family proudly announces the referral of
Joseph Turner !

Born April 17 2006
now weighs 19lbs
he is 25inches tall

Be in prayer for him, he has a heart condition and needs to be out of Liberia by September. Meanwhile we await the endless
red tape of our states bureaucracy.

His arrival is eagerly anticipated and he will be welcomed by his 5 brothers and sisters when he comes home.

Proud Parents

Scott & Robin


Amber G. said...

I am so excited for you!! God is good.

Welcome to Jen said...

What a beautiful boy!!! God bless you guys.


Brandi said...

YEAH!!!!!! JT, you will be so blessed by your new family. We can't wait to get you home! Robin, I'm so proud of you guys for following God's call even when it didn't look like you thought it would!!! I can't wait to journey along with you through the next few months and all that God has to teach you (and me through you!)

Celebrating like crazy with you,

Anonymous said...

Oh Robin, he is as precious as you said he was! I am so proud for yall. I know that he will be so happy with his new family just as you all will be so happy with him. I cannot wait to meet him! Isn't God great! He works wonders everyday, how can we ever doubt? I love you all and am praying for JT and his new family! Don't that sound sweet????

Loving Him,
Michael :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! This is so wonderful, my family will be praying for yours! He is so sweet, Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

What a Beautiful baby boy!!!!!!!


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