I know one day when I look in my rear view mirror I will be shocked to find it empty.
My house is so full my table is running over and my car is packed..all the seats taken. Somehow we always assume it will always be that way. When you have alot of little diapers to change and
alot of little shoes to find you get caught up in thinking you have along time with these little souls. Some of my best times with my children is in the car. Being able to talk with them and sing with them...We all sing really loud and we repeat our favorite songs over and over. When I look in my rear view mirror I see fights I have to stop I see smiles that seem to never stop. I see tears. I see sleeping heads. I see eyes that look at me with so much love I don't deserve. I see
brothers and sisters who are trying to grow up and be their own person. I see the sweetest brown eyes and I know I'm real close to heaven. So what do you see in your rear view mirror?
I pray it's a car load of beautiful children. One seat is empty in my car though and I can't wait to see those familiar eyes staring at me from his car-seat. I know he will be singing our songs and we will be singing his before long..
much love,
Our favorite thing, is to put on TobyMac and Kirk Franklin's song J Train and jam. Both Gracie and Brayden try to sing along and dance like crazy! They think I'm so silly b/c I dance more than they do.. .and with the windows down. . .hmmm? I'm pretty sure other drivers think I'm crazy too!
yeah! I love back seat pictures. Back Seat Memories...Back Seat Lessons...Back Seat Devotions....WOW, that a great book series that would be on parenting! I do my best preaching from the front seat...they can't escape!
Every trip I take I get pictures of the kids sleeping in the backseat, asleep on top of each other...even as big as they are. :o)
Will they remember? Probably some, but thank God we have cameras to remind them! The great things about pictures is that we can remind them of the happy, good times and it will help the memories of the not so good days fade. :o)
I loved the pictures...
I can't WAIT to fill up my back seat. Joanna is lonely back there by herself! :)
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