Sunday, November 25, 2007

My trip around the world.

I can't explain to anyone how going to Africa has changed me forever.
It was the scariest journey of my life mixed with the sweetest love for
a litte boy.
When we arrived in Liberia it was crazy. The heat literally knocked you
down. The airport was hot hot hot and we had to stand in lines and let them look
at your pass-ports and stuff.
I finally get outside and see Rich the AOH staff and I run to him and I wanna
hug him but I don't. I say oh your here thank you. He looks at me and says
who are you? I say Robin and he says Oh well your apt with the embassy got bumped
and I'm here to pick up another family. My knees felt weak and I was sick at my stomach.
He found Cameron and we proceeded to the truck. We get in and drive for an hour and a half to the guest house. I was so scared and I really would have gotten back on that airplane if I could of. The roads were hellish and his driving matched. He didn't talk much but he asked me who are you adopting and I said Joseph. He said who? I don't know him..He lives at the guest house Joseph lives at the guest house. My stomach churned....I was crying in the back seat wondering what have I done.
I wanted to be home with Scott and the kids. I wanted to have Jo escorted.......
It was too late now though. As we drove along all I could see was total darkness
and fires everywhere. You knew people were out there but you couldn't see anyone.
We started getting into the city and I couldn't believe my eyes. There was thousands
of people everywhere . It was so crowded they couldn't move. They were yelling and horns were blowing and I was thinking to myself I'm so far away from everything I know and from everyone I know. Scott couldn't find me if he wanted to.
We arrived at the guest house it is a huge gated little community. Linda had us supper waiting and I felt at ease for the first time since arriving.
It was HOT ......It should of been it was Africa after all. I went to take a shower and I couldn't figure out how to turn the hot water on, well there was no hot water only cold. So I took a cold shower and fell into my bed and slept all night.
I awoke early there was coffee, I was very grateful for any thing familiar.
I kept looking over at the little house that had the reason I came all the way across the world for. In a matter of mins I was going to go meet my son Joseph and I was overwhelmed with emotions.
As I walked up the steps the door was open and I looked in to see Little Joseph looking up at me. I could of picked him out of any group. He is my son.
I slowly sat down next to him and started talking and touching him slowly. He would not look at me in the eyes but I knew that was part of it.I gently picked him up and held him for the first time and I knew it was all worth it. He was worth anything I was going to have to go through. He lay ed his head on my chest and I couldn't believe that I had made it to this point.I had my son...Thank you Lord. He was weak and he was scared and so was I........
Our journey as mother and son had just begun.........


Heart4Adoption said...

Thank you for your candid thoughts and experiences from Liberia. I'm so glad that at the end it worked out OK. Our sovereign Lord is so awesome!!! Tanya

Brandi said...

So well worded. You are doing a great job sharing your journey. We want to hear more. . .keep going!

Love you,

From Five to Eight said...

Thank you for taking the time to share while your trip is still fresh in your memory. I'm sure you're exhausted!!
We appreciate the energy and time you're giving to make the "unknown" more known to us. (hanging on every word :)

EyeDropp3r said...

Great news!

I'm glad you guys are safely home!

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine! I can't wait to hear more and see that little boy that God has blessed your family with! I am so glad your both home and safe. We can thank the good Lord for that, He was all over that trip and we are all so very thankful! I have missed you!
Love you,

Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...

I am so glad you guys are home! I can't wait to both of you!

missy said...

This is all just too beautiful for words. I pray that the Lord will allow us the opportunity to get our little Liberian boys (and our big girls) together sometime before we move from the great state of AL in June. I can't tell you how much I am enjoying your story. Much love, Missy


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