How can I be so happy and she is so sad. She is praising God that he will
get the help he needs and she tells me Thank you over and over again.
I tell her that I will take care of him and I will make sure he goes to school..
She again thanks me. I'm not looking for thanks I'm just trying to let her
know that I will be a good mama to him.
In every picture I have of Joseph she is wearing a sterling silver necklace and
matching ear-rings she has it on today as well. She takes them off and hands them
to me and says I want you to have these... How can she give me anything else.
I cry and she cryes and we hug each other. I will never forget her embrace for as
long as I live. I will never forget the way she held our son for the last time and
told him "Jospeh I love you and I want you to grow up strong and mind your mama and papa. Go to school and learn and never forget about your sister." I lost it..
I will never let him forget her I will remind him of her love and devotion to him.
She gave him life two times. She gave him up so that he would live and I know this.
She gave him up so that his heart could be fixed while hers would be forever broken.

wow, is all I can say.
Yes, you did it, I'm sitting in a hotel lobby in Ghana and crying. They probably think I'm a truly crazy American.
Thank you for sharing this. I love you
Awww Rob. This made me bawl. Wonderful, touching post.
Love ya,
Heart wrenching post Rob! Thanks for sharing it, awesome!
Love you,
Michael :)
What a beautiful story of redemtion. God is good.
I am so hoping I get to meet my girls mothers! I know it will be a powerful moment! I'm taking lots of kleenex!
Thank you for sharing.
I'm in tears! What a strong woman you are and what a courageous woman his mother is. May you both be blessed.
Oh the love his birthmother has for him. She had to give him up so that he could live. What a powerful moment you had with her when she had to say goodbye. May God surround her with His love and comfort her.
In Christ,
Melissa Arnold (AOH family)
What a treasure these pictures are. You have a great gift to give your son. Love, Missy
What a moment. I cried through your whole post. It's so unfathomable - I just can't imagine it! Oh to hope that she know sweet Jesus and this separation is just for a short time in view of eternity.
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