Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hello from the Hosptial...

Hey everyone!!Jo has had his heart repaired....It was a moderately big hole the surgeon said but he fixed it and not Jo is just recovering.
He is one tough Liberian...Everyone in ICU could not get over how he came from surgery with no medication to help stabilize his blood pressure and pulse. They said that 99% of babies come back with that medication but not our Jo...We got to see him at 11.00 at night and he looked good. It was kinda scary seeing the breathing tubes and all the wires and chest tubes but...he is fixed......
As we were leaving they told us that they would take the breathing machine off in the afternoon of the next day. We called at 7.30am and they said Jo was sitting up watching cartoons. He had started breathing on his own at 3.30 and so they took the machine off at 5.30...They said he is really doing incredible...We got to go see him in ICU at 9.00am and I started talking to him and he started crying really bad...I think he was hungry because for the past two weeks all I have done is feed him..So he probably heard my voice and thought hey she is the one that feeds me..
They let me feed him a bottle and he wanted more and so we fed him another one..We were going to leave until the next visiting time and they told us that he was doing so good that they were going to move him to a room...Mind you he was supposed to stay in ICU 36-48 hours..It has only been 12.
Our head charge nurse said "you have one tough little boy" his recovery is so not normal....
I guess looking at Jo's life he has had it hard and it exchange it has made him tough..
He woke up this m orning (Thursday) and is in alot more pain and does not seem to be as chipper as he was yesterday but he reaches for me and does not let me out of his sight if he can help it.
Have I told you how much I love this little boy? He is such a blessing to our life.
I wished I could send pics but when I get home I will.
I'm so thankful that God saw him through surgery and I can see the how he is changing lives through Joseph. I have had people walk in our room and want to know more about African adoptions and want to hear Jo's story..I tell it proudly...I'm so proud and honored to be his mom.....

I'll write more late and send pictures, please pray for him today as I believe it's going to be along one for us both.

grateful mom,


Welcome to Jen said...

praying Robin!

Love ya,

Jen :)

Jamie said...

PRAISE GOD that he is doing so well, Robin!!! I am so, so happy!
Jamie Z. :0)

missy said...

God is so good, isn't he Robin. You have an amazing little boy and I am so thankful you were able to get his heart fixed so quickly. I know you are anxious now to have him back home and running around. I am too, so I can come and see him. Love, Missy

Anonymous said...

..and a grateful family of God standing with you! Love, denise

Stefanie said...

I am so happy to hear this wonderful report. You're doing so great with him.

Praise God!


Amber G. said...

I'm SO glad to hear this good report, Robin!! We will definitely keep praying!

Anonymous said...

So glad to know he is doing well, we are praying for this little guy!


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