Taylor and I went to a baby shower for a girl at our church on Saturday.
It's such a special thing celebrating a new life. So many have abandoned this
tradition of baby showers and I'm so glad our church gives showers to all women
who are expecting reguradless of how many you have. They celebrate each new life.
Each child is worth throwing a shower for each child is a blessing....
After that we went and met my mom and ate lunch...It's been a while since it was
just us girls and it felt good to laugh and eat good food and talk over the problems
of the world.(my mom can fix all of them...)We had a time of just relaxing and soaking
in the common bonds that keep us held so tightly together. Taylor and my mom are so close. They do so many of the same things that it's almost comical at times how they act so much alike....As I get older I realize that I can look in the mirror and it's true "I look like my mother". I think she is beautiful so it's agood thing.I know she is NOT perfect but she is our rock and she is our cheerleader and we don't have many of those....I'm thankful she gets to be such a huge part of our life right now and I have to say I couldn't do it sometimes with her..
How sweet. . .I totally agree about baby showers no matter the number! Now, the gifts may change, but the celebration should remain!
Love you
Praise the Lord. Isn't it wonderful when children rise up and call their mother blessed. Proverbs 31:28
This is a sweet picture. I sure wish my kiddos could be near their grandparents. Wasn't part of God's plan for us though. Sarah's swim meet in Hoover was Saturday, but I didn't get to go, just Kevin and Sarah, so we need to plan something soooon!! Hope all is well. Give me a call sometime when you get a free minute HA HA!!
Love, Missy
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