Number 1- I talk for my animals! All of our pets have a distinct voice and their 'own' personality! (I know it's strange!)but I might say something like "ma I have fleas"It cracks the kids up and I hope to pass down this trait that I learned from my own father.(Taylor assures me this is one she will not take up)
Number 2-I drive around in cemeteries looking at head stones..I always remind the kids I want them to come visit me alot when I die...(it really makes you stop and think of the very short time you have on this earth)although it drives my older kids crazy.
Number 3-I sleep with a fan over head,a portable fan next to my bed blowing on me,a very loud sound machine and a Louis L'Amour cowboy tape...plus my hubby rubs my feet to help me get to sleep..(I know high maintenance)
Number 4- I can-not listen to people talking on call in radio shows or people on the news that their interviewing. I get so embarrassed for them....
Number 5- I love having a large family!I love not having a minute to myself not even in the bathroom. I love carrying on three conversations at once. I love who I am when I'm a mom...I love not working and not having to put on makeup every single day because my kids love me with it or without it... I love my bed because it stays full of all these little miracles...I love my table when it is full of food and kids.( We are in the market for a bigger table for our newest little one.) So I guess from the world's standards I have given up the lie that I should be working outside the home putting my children in day-care and letting someone raise them so I know I"M VERY WEIRD.....
Ok, most definitely the weirdest thing is your very weird high maitainance sleep habits!! Who knew?!
Loveyou!!! COME VISIT ME!!!
You are hilarious! Remember the first time I heard you talking for Cullen?! I still laugh about that!
I love your #5. Amen sister!
I am so thankful that God placed me in your path, and that He told you that I belonged with you. You are a great wife, an awesome mom, and a Godly lady.
I just love you to pieces and I so agree with all of your thoughts on motherhood and large families. I hope God continues to bless me with oodles of kiddos. Your nighttime habits remind me a little bit of Bethany. She is such a high maintenance night time girl too.
Love you. Can't wait to see you.
Great post. You aren't weird at all (unless I am weird and thus we are both weird!). I talk for animals as well, and my mom has been talking for her babies, and now their foster babies, since my older brother was born. I also love big families. I can't imagine growing up in a family that only had one or two other siblings, or raising only a few children. It would be way too quiet and boring! I understand that everyone can't do 10 kids, but children ARE a blessing, and 6 really don't have to be overwhelming if they are being raised correctly (like you are doing ;-)
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