Prisons in Bible times were miserable places, devoid of even the most basic comforts.It was in such a place that "Paul and Silas were...singing praises to God....When a strong earthquake shook the jail...The doors opened,and the chains fell from all the prisoners"Ac 16:25-26. And it can happen for you and me too. If we want to shake things up, see doors open and chains break, begin to praise God "IN SPITE OF." In spite of your hardships, In spite of the way things go your way or don't go your way. In spite of the way your co-workers act. In spite of how much money you have or don't have. In spite of...... The secret they say to soaring above your circumstances is approaching God on the wings of praise. David said, "Those who have learned to acclaim {praise, applaud,honor,pay tribute to } you...walk in .....your presence...Lord."Praise isn't simply a reaction to coming into God's presence;it creates a channel through which He enters to go to work on your problem.
It's not a matter of emotion; it's a matter of faith. It's not something that comes naturally; it's something you choose to do. Whether you're in the wilderness or the Promised Land, when you "rejoice, and sing praises" things start to happen; as your praises go up, God's blessings come down. Nehemiah says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (ne 8:10)
During this time of losing our baby I chose to praise God. I played scripture music and praise music all the time. I read my bible and kept reminding myself who God is.Faithful .At times I want to get down and feel sorry for myself but what purpose would that serve? Who would that serve not my Lord and saviour. He is the author and I don't know the ending to His book for my life but I will trust it will be a great ending...
So Let the Joy of the Lord be my strength today and always..
That is such an amazing testimony, Robin. It is so hard when we go thru such tragedy to continue to praise God, but it is the only way. And imagine the light you are being to those around you. I pray you continue to praise Him during this difficult storm.
You always speak the truth. . .I love that about you. I also love what you wrote. . that's why I love the song, "Praise You in the Storm". .even when life was at its hardest, I felt like I could sing that at the top of my lungs.
Love you, sweet friend
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