I was driving up the drive-way and this view of my front yard made me stop and take it all in. I love this land we live on it's so rich with the past.The trees seems to tell a story about long ago if only we would stop and listen.
I read a quote from a book I'm reading it said
"We are meant to be grown in ground that is rich with the bones, and the blood, and the voices of our ancestors."
I believe we have alittle of all of that on this property.
We have trees that were planted over 80 years ago by Scott's great uncle Steve, the remnants of his once thriving orchard still bear today. My kids eat the apples that they once ate themselves...Their fruit is still bearing....
Aunt Sara's flowers she had around their home comes up every year they seem to multiply. They always remind me of her and yet I've never met her but somehow she still lives all over this land.She left her fingerprints everywhere..I know she loved roses...
I pray that when I've been dead 45 years our fruit and the flowers that we are planting in our children's hearts will still be in full bloom and have multiplied....
I pray my finger-prints can still be seen by my great great grand-children. I hope and pray they can still see the rich soil of our Lord and Saviour growing where my finger-prints were..On my children's heart.
What a great analogy! And yes, may the fruit continue to grow and multiply. I love it! Thanks for sharing!
When I see pics of your home, your land and children, it afffects me so much more now that I have "experienced" it. I can look at those photos and smell the country air, feel the warm breeze and hear your children laughing.
I've been thinking about you and praying for you. How are things with your dad?
Love you,
You are making me homesick for my home in upstate New York!
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