Sometimes in our life things are not what they appear. For example a box..To you and I it may not seem like much but to our children it was hours of simple play..
I just need to remember that life may seem difficult for me right now but it's not what it appears because it's God's plan and he sees it differently.He holds the big picture and he knows whats best for us always. So I will continue..and rejoice as I travel these roads of hardship...I'm not the only one going through trials in this life..Our trials are small compared to others.Someone asked me at church today if my life has always been this crazy and I had to laugh because I don't enjoy the trials we have been through but our life has been a bit unpredictable lately. I have enjoyed quieter times that's for sure but on the other hand my faith in my Heavenly Father has grown. If I was still living that quiet life with no hardships I wouldn't have clung so tightly to His hand.We all endure trying times and this just happens to be our season...God is Faithful and for that I'm forever grateful.
Thanks for your prayers...
As for God, His way is perfect.
Psalm 18:30
Indeed. While the tough seasons of life may not be fun, they often are the times of tremendous growth. Keep the godly perspective.
Praying for you and your family...
Have you read that children's book I gave you, Hind's Feet?
Grasp on to the hands of suffering and sorrow!
Wonderful words of wisdom. So many people think that they can mistakenly keep their life simple and painfree - uncomplicated. They may not have the dips but they also don't have the joy of soaring under His wings while walking in radical obedience. You inspire me. Tanya
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