She knows my thoughts, she knows my concerns, and she has been ever present to see me through lots of tough times and here her name appears yet again.
On the front lines of my life.
She was wondering if she could come and do a Thanksgiving craft with my little ones? She said it's for herself because she misses having 'little ones', but I know that she is giving up alot of herself and her projects to come and spend an hour at my home.
I said Yes. She comes in going straight to my school room and along with her daughters offer us an hours worth of alone time. I hear laughter from beyond the school room door. I hear "what are you Thankful for Channie?" and I find myself listening wondering what she would say.
I find myself being so Thankful for this family who over and over again show up and pour into our lives..
They have done so much for my family but I guess one of the biggest things they have done is this time last year I was leaving for Africa and was supposed to be home for Thanksgiving and my plane got delayed. She called Scott and invited them to come and spend Thanksgiving with their family. I will never forget the gratitude I felt when I called home that Thanksgiving day and Scott said "Kathy called and wanted us to come over there, what do you think?"
My heart over-flowing I knew she would take them in. They would be fed and loved on.
Scott and the kids went and they still talk about the hospitality shown to them on that Thanksgiving day.
I'm encouraged to be a better friend because of this family.
If you want to be encouraged go to her family blog and enjoy.

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