He weighed only 18 lbs and was very sick.
He lived in Monrovia Africa in a hut with
his family.They attempted to get him help through every resource available to them
in Africa but no-one could help Jo's heart condition.
They put Joseph up for adoption through an agency called Acres Of Hope and along
side them found us.

This is Jo's birth-mom and sister. She took such good care of him.We would not know how good of care until we reached the state's and the Dr's were amazed at his condition and that he made it in time to have surgery. I know that's it was because of Siah and her love for her son. 

This is Jo's nanny at the orphanage.
This is our first Dr's apt with Jo.

This is our first Dr's apt with Jo.

This is days before his surgery and we are all very nervous. Jo's condition is worse than anyone thought.
This is hours after his heart surgery. It was very scary but they were able to fix most of the 7mm hole in his heart.

This is the boys hanging out with Jo in the hospital.

This is a picture of Jo three days after we got home from hospital. Look at that color.....

Joesph's first Christmas with us.

first snow

He loves for Scott to throw him in the air.

Happy 2nd Birthday Joseph

Jo and the rain

This is his favorite past time this summer eating Popsicles.

another favorite past time eating cake batter

Relaxing after a night of civil war dancing.
The miracle of adoption has forever changed our family. This year has been filled with ups and downs and tears of happiness and sadness but I would not trade it for anything in the world.

This is hours after his heart surgery. It was very scary but they were able to fix most of the 7mm hole in his heart.

This is the boys hanging out with Jo in the hospital.

This is a picture of Jo three days after we got home from hospital. Look at that color.....

Joesph's first Christmas with us.

first snow

He loves for Scott to throw him in the air.

Happy 2nd Birthday Joseph

Jo and the rain

This is his favorite past time this summer eating Popsicles.

another favorite past time eating cake batter

Relaxing after a night of civil war dancing.
The miracle of adoption has forever changed our family. This year has been filled with ups and downs and tears of happiness and sadness but I would not trade it for anything in the world.
I got to travel to Africa for the first time what a ride. I slept under mosquito netting and met a family that will mean the world to my son one day. Our son...
It was a journey of a life-time and it still effects me today. It actually changed me.
Learning to trust the Lord for every little detail in your life for your life it somehow makes you different.
God changed our families heart. Because of Jo's color we had family members who didn't speak to us after they found out we were adopting an African child but the Lord changed their hearts and now they love Joseph just like anyone of the other children. Maybe more... because it was a love that God had to put in their hearts. Maybe you have family members who would disagree with the bible and would not consider all children a blessing as the Lord does, let him fight that battle for you he will..He is looking for some Christian families to trust Him because He is faithful.. He will do a mighty work in your family.
I can honestly say that looking back this has been a journey of trust and I'm thankful that the Lord brought this little man into our life and our hearts..
I have said many times on my blog that I think all Christians should pursue adoption and I will stand on that statement.
I know there are those who say you have to be called to do something like that...You're right but God has called us............. now what are you waiting on.
He is so cute Robyn!
Our first home visit is this Thursday. I have been in a mad dash cleaning! But I know it will be worth it when we see our new baby girl!
What a blessing, Robin! He is such a gift from the Lord, and I know you are thankful to be his family.
I, too, am glad that Joseph is part of our family! Of course, any time I get a new niece or nephew I am ecstatic! :)
What a sweet kid! I am sure he has been sucha blessing to your family, what an amazing year!
Beautiful post. Beautiful family. And a Beautiful calling...adoption.
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