First of all, you have to know me.
A public restroom and shopping carts
are number 1 on my list of GROSS!!
I have taught my little 3 year old that he is tough when he can pee in
a cup so we don't have to go to the public restroom.
He believes me too. I don't believe he has gone to a public restroom but maybe five times in his whole potty trained life.
So, when on Friday I was able to go to Sam's with just my precious daughters,
I was slowly drifting around the store able to take in the relaxed moment without having
to dodge my buggie and another buggie around six kids. I happened to look down and saw my beautiful daughter (2 1/2) licking the handle of the buggie right before my eyes.
I screamed in horror before I remembered I was in public and then I looked into her sweet eyes and thought "my baby is going to get something horrible, she might even die."
For you see, I had just watched a special on the six o'clock news about the hidden germs on a handle of a grocery chart and my baby had gotten them ALLLL....
After a day or two of reflection on this matter I realize how I might have over reacted just a wee bit. I'm not sure it will change the way I do things. Living in a large family has it's benefits, but when someone gets sick around here they stay sick for about 2 days x's that by 6 and you have 12 days in a row of sickness...It's Not fun.
So next time I'll just make sure I germ x the handle, put a baby cover on it, and wear plastic gloves....