ball held by our church. It's a great
time for learning social skills.
We have some wonderful families in our church who love the civil war/ball-room dancing and have made it a mission to teach us a thing or two. I'm so thankful to have this opportunity for our kids to learn that Protocol matters and social skills are important.
I want Taylor to know that she should expect nothing less than the courtesy of a true gentleman.
I want Tucker to be able to handle himself in any situation and to be able to be a protector of women.
Having good manners and feeling comfortable in a situation frees you up to be a servant to others. I'm so Thankful we have a church family that our kids can practice these skills with.
It's a good thing Scott's mama taught him good manners and how to act/eat/behave in public! I am thankful every day for that, even tho I sometimes resented all the table manner lessons as a child/young adult. :)
Taylor, you look so pretty! Tucker, you look so handsome!
love, j
Love the pictures Mrs. White!
We had such a blast! We will have to do it more often at our house.
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