Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yard Sale treasure's

Industrial size cookie sheets: $4

Prince Caspian Costume from Disney
75 cents

My new favorite coffee cup...10 cents

I got to spend the whole day with my two oldest kids..
I don't get to do this often but I miss it..I loved spending the
day with them and embarrassing them when I got the opportunity..:)
I'm am going to try and find ways to sneak away with them more often.
I love their company and I adore their smiles and the way they goof around with each
After a hot day Junkin we finished up our afternoon at a cool Mexican Restaurant laughing and
going over the days Junk...
This is a great hobby for the whole family...

Having lunch and fun with my two oldest priceless...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Making Soap

On my journey to teaching Taylor and Channie about things they can do to help enrich their future home I wanted them to learn how to make their own healthy home-made soap.
Since I was never taught these things and they're probably a lost art Kathy from teaching good things and I decided to go straight to the top and learn from a pro..
Missi from Cheeky Maiden Soap Company came into my home and worked with the girls and Kathy and I for an entire day and showed us step by step how to make beautiful delicious soap. This has to be one of my new favorite things to do.It's simple (especially when you have Missi standing over you walking you through step by step.) I'm a very visual learner so this was more than helpful.

Learning to do new things just takes a little practice..If you don't know how to do something find someone who would come over and teach you.
I'm never afraid to ask someone to show me and the girls how to do something.
Just don't let your summer get away from you..
Decide what you want to learn and plan on learning a new thing at least once a month during summer.
Soap making is a way that the girls can earn money or supplement their future husbands income..
We made 5lbs of goat milk, oatmeal and lavender soap. You notice I said goat milk....Yes it's from our goats..I guess 6.00am milkings have paid off.:)
Now start planning!!What do you want to teach your kids this summer?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Having Rabbits on your homestead

Many prospective homesteaders overlook rabbits as a source of meat, simply because Americans aren't accustomed to eating much rabbit.
No homestead food is worth producing if it isn't good tasting. I could no more describe the taste of rabbit than I could a prime steak; you'll just have to try it for yourself.
Unlike the wild rabbit, domestic rabbit meat is all white and very tender.
The homesteader's handbook to Raising small Jerome D.Belanger.

We recently purchased 4 New Zealand rabbits to add to our newly growing farm.
These guys are the easiest animals we have and their up keep is a breeze.
Three of our does are expecting and they have a 31 day gestation period which will be up for our little girls tomorrow..WE hope to have lots of little New Zealands hopping around.
Scott just finished up making their nest box in which you give them a couple of days before their due and they pull the hair out from around their neck in order to make a soft cozy bed for their babies. I'll try and get some pictures of our hairless wonders when they arrive...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Being joyful in our calling

Where has God called you to serve right now?And are you doing it joyfully?

Why is it we beg God for rain and when it rains we beg God for sun, and when the sun comes out we beg God for rain. It seems like we are like the Israelites, a complaining bunch.
We beg God for a husband and then complain and become bitter of our husband.
We beg God for children only to complain about the demands of motherhood.
We beg God to provide and then complain when it's not how we wanted him to provide.
We beg God for a good church only to complain when things aren't perfect.
We beg God for a job only to complain about our boss.
We beg God for friends and then complain when their not perfect.

Christ came to serve not be served and yet the very place that God has called us to serve we
are not joyful..
Every area of our life should be about our Father's business. It should be done joyfully, even the hard times.

We want what we want when we want it or we question our Lord.

When I became pregnant with William I begged God for protection over him..I was happy!!!
I was thrilled and I praised the Lord and told others how Great my Lord is..He did what I wanted him to...He granted me my desire.."I'm happy" I praised Him.

When the Lord of the universe allowed William to be taken home before I was ready for him to be taken I was angry. How could you Lord? I felt as though He had betrayed me. After all I had already been through so much. I deserved this child. I have earned the right to have a happy ending. So I questioned Him.
What if that was my happy ending? William being with the Lord in heaven.
Maybe its my faith that was untrusting and un believing that 'God can take care of me.'
Maybe it's my own sinful self crying out like Channie does when she doesn't get her way.

You, Lord, expect me to be joyful when my child is gone?
He says yes he wants me trust Him.
He says yes to be joyful always, rejoice in the things that I don't understand.

Be joyful... such a simple word so beautiful. Joy...
It should be easy but it's not..It's dying to myself, dying to my dreams, and dying to the desires of my own heart.

Can I be joyful when my husband makes me mad?
Can I be Joyful when motherhood is a hard road?
Can I be joyful when my friends hurt me?
Can I be joyful when my husband looses his job?
Can I be joyful when my church is not perfect?

I say Joy is a matter of the heart and when times are good we need to be remembering that times tend to turn bad very quickly and it's those times we need to remember to be joyful.
It's those times that our hearts are on display...
Those hard times are when our faith big or small screams out...

So I sit today and remind myself to be Joyful....
To praise my Lord and keep telling him 'I trust you Lord'
I say this right out loud sometimes.
When something triggers losing William I will say "OK God this is tough. I hurt right now but I trust you and I will continue to trust you." Just saying what I need to be doing. Trusting ..

So pray for me as I pray for you that we can be joyful...We can take the road he has set before us and walk it with joy..

Thursday, May 21, 2009


This morning was especially beautiful. The wind and coolness in the air added an ambiance that was perfect for an outside breakfast.

Eating together outside really mixes it up...something a bit different.

As Scott was doing devotion ,the words catching on the wind, it was down-right poetic if I do say so myself..Here is an excerpt from our morning devotion:

Changing circumstances often causes the anxious believer to ask, "Why is this happening to me?"I looked for light, but darkness came; for peace, but faced trouble.

Is this God's plan for me? Yes it is..The eclipse of your faith, the darkness of your mind, the fainting of your hopes-all these things are just parts of God's method of making you ready for the great inheritance, which you will soon enjoy.

man you gotta love Charles Spurgeon......

I will definitely do this again very soon.

I'm already thinking of a candle light dinner next. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Living out of a jar

Living on a budget can be such a fun thing..
This week we had alot of "un-expected" extra money transactions so my hubby said we need to spend very little money until our next pay-check..
This turns into a fun time for all the family.
Why?? you might ask.... well I explain to the kids that any money they find put it into our money jar and this is all the money we have to spend so they need to help out.
All week more and more money shows up in our jar..Dollars from the washing machine or quarters from underneath the couch. I think it's the whole "we're in this together" theme so everyone is searching out the coins...To me it's the beauty of family.

The beauty of good times and bad times shared together. Sticking it out mentality.
As long as we have each other "we're all good."

So many fail to teach their kids anything but good times and when the bad times hit they hit these kids the hardest.

Life for us has not been the easiest these last few months but my children are better for it.

They are compassionate, they think of others and pray for them. They feel empathy for friends and strangers that are going through hard times.

Their prayer life is one of the most beautiful things that I have seen changed. ...sigh..I love these kids..

They pray for our family. They pray for their fathers protection and their brothers and sisters.

They have a view that its tainted of death but it's a view of renewal and strength not of sadness and weakness. They are stronger.

So living out of a jar for a week doesn't even phase my kids..

It inspires them ..

Finding hidden treasures

My boys are always writing "I love mom". They write it on sticky notes at church. They write it on scraps of paper. They write it on the dirt of the windows in the car. Their love is ever before me. So many hugs in one day that it almost takes patience to get through them all. And when I believe the last one has been given at night I hear feet coming down the hall back to my door and yet another kiss and hug..
I dare to mention also the many bouquets of wild delicate flowers that have been picked with dirty little boy hands given to me as sweet gestures of love...
Tucker doesn't write I love mom on his papers anymore but just the same he writes it on my heart in different ways. Yesterday, we loaded up on the 4 wheeler and rode to Williams grave where we needed to do some cleaning up and I noticed Tuck not feeling well. I said "do you want to wait and do this when your feeling better" and he said "no mom I want to do this for you."
He just left a note on my heart that says "I love mom."
I believe the Lord knew I needed so many little men in my life..
So much love coming from my guys that I don't deserve.

As I continue to grieve the loss of a son I'm encouraged by my sons who are with me and I'm thankful for the Lord's provision of getting me through another day.

In Your Goodness, O God, You have provided for the needy.
Psalm 68:10

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Free Friendship Amish Bread starter

I have three bags of Amish bread starter I can send out if you will email me your address.
It's so good!!!


Monday, May 18, 2009

A sweet fragrance that draws you

It never fails..Every time I'm having a bad moment and I retreat outside to feel sorry for myself I'm drawn to a fragrance of sweetness.The honey suckle. There has always been alot of honeysuckles on the farm but this year there is an abundance. Everywhere I work outside the honeysuckle smell lingers..When I do my morning run the smells follow me all the way up the drive. Stronger yet in my back-yard where the kids play. With the windows open the smell drifting through my home.

A sweet reminder to me that God is constantly drawing me to him.. It's hard to feel sorry for yourself when your searching out a sweet smell.

Houston, we have milk

Our first morning milking was mingled with confusion and thoughts of wondering like "I can't believe I'm out here at 6:oo am ." When I'm used to laying in bed with my dear hubby and drinking a cup of Java..Here both of us were this morning in the stall of our goats..Scott holding up our goat so I could milk. The knowing look between us that store bought milk might not be so bad. :) I'm not sure all the goat milk in the world is worth the little experience we had this morning.

My dear daughter Taylor who LOVES to sleep until 7:30 also wonders if this quart of white gold is worth it....

In honor of my ancestor's though we will try it again tomorrow morning and hopefully our little Hannah will not have to be held up.....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Say bye to those flabby arms.

As part of my "get fit program" I have made a vow to myself to get my arms stronger and toner. My great grandmother Bertha had a slight problem in this area (trying to be nice here).

It was a huge problem (!!) and in the event it might be a problem that could be passed down I think I will try and stop it now.


They embrace our husbands.

They hold our children.

They are lifted up in praising our Lord.

They need to be strong yet soft...

So, I went to the local Walmart and got a pair of inexpensive arm bands put out by Gold's Gym it came with a workout Cd..

It is wonderful, the lady is very modest and all of the exercises are great for beginners or for the more advanced....You don't have to have anything but the bands.....

I'm going to do this twice a week on my easy days.

I give this 5 stars for do-ability. I don't dread doing it and it's alot of fun and I can really tell my arms are going to be toner in no time.....:)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Great gift ideas that the whole family will enjoy..

Taylor got this great book for her birthday from our dear friends.
Don't you just love when your kids get presents that really blesses the whole family?
Taylor made these delicious muffins last night and the whole house smelled like banana nut bread.
The kids loved sharing her present with her...
Thank you Brodock family for this wonderful gift idea..
Notice I said Kids...I did not eat one of these great muffins I had to use alot of self control :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Getting started & Things you might need for your 5k experience

Your music or sermons...

Your shoes! Come on now you have to have good shoes. If you don't you will not keep this up...You and I both know if your feet hurt you wont do it.

A watch of any kind.You are in training so you need to be able to progress...

Most importantly a good sports bra.

Ok I've heard from alot of you that you want to do this but
don't really know where to begin so I'll show you how and what

I've been doing and you can take away or add to it..

A year ago I started La Weight Loss..It was very expensive but it worked!

I lost 20lbs in six weeks..

So I've been back on my eating plan that I used with them.

Breakfast-2 eggs, 1 piece of toast (light butter and simply fruit jelly), a piece of fruit.
mid morning snack-a cliff bar with fruit
lunch-Lean Cuisine meal and a salad ( light dressing)my fave is the french bread pizza
mid afternoon snack-low fat yogurt
Supper-I eat what the family eats, but small portions.......
After supper snack-cliff bar
I believe this is a 2000 cal diet.

You get alot of food though and it's 'good for ya' stuff.

If you want to know more about this eating plan e-mail me and I'll send
you some things that help me..

It's all about the food.You have to get your fruits and veggies and snacks.
Your body needs the fuel to get through the day..
Water Water Water come on now you know you don't drink enough..
Get your water bottles out and carry them with you everywhere..
Get ready to pee a bunch!!You will be looking for a bath-room so be ready.

Take a Vitamin Our bodies need the extra punch that you get from Vitamins.
I use Supermom..and love them... You can order them at

Alrighty now how I've been training.

I got a book called The everything Running Book by Art Liberman
Here is a chart for your first six weeks of running:

If you can jog or walk briskly for 2 min. nonstop, you can start at week 7.
This Chart will help you train for your first 5K. It is 18 weeks total.

Visualize what your going to look and feel like when you are done. :-)

Week #1

Sunday-walk for 8 minutes
Tuesday-walk for 10 minutes
Wednesday- rest
Thursday-walk for 11 minutes
Friday- rest
Saturday-walk for 8 minutes

Total: 37 minutes

Week# 2
Sunday-walk for 12 min
Tuesday-walk for 14 min
Thursday-walk for 16 min
Friday- rest
Saturday- walk for 10 min

Total: 52 min.

Week# 3

Sunday- walk for 18 min

Tuesday-walk for 20 min
Thurday-walk for 22 min
Saturday-walk for 12 min

Total: 72 min


Sunday-walk for 24 minutes
Monday- rest
Tuesday-walk for 26 minutes
Thursday-walk 28 minutes
Saturday-walk 12 minutes

Total-90 minutes

Week #5
Sunday-walk for 30 minutes
Tuesday-walk for 30 minutes
Thursday- walk for 30 minutes
Saturday-walk for 30 minutes
Total: 120 minutes

Sunday-walk for 20 minutes

Tuesday-walk for 20 minutes
Thursday-walk for 26 minutes
Saturday- walk for 20 minutes

Total:86 minutes (Light Week)

Week #7

Sunday: Run for 2 min, Walk for 28 minutes
Monday: Rest
Tuesday:Run for 3 min, Walk for 27 minutes
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Run for 4 min, Walk for 26 minutes

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Walk for 30 min
Total: Run 9 min, Walk 81 minutes

Week# 8
Sunday-Run for 5 minutes, Walk for 25 minutes
Tuesday-Run for 6 minutes, Walk for 24 minutes
Wednesday- Rest
Thursday- Run for 8 minutes, Walk for 22 minutes
Saturday-Run for 6 minutes, Walk for 24 minutes
Total: Run-25 minutes, Walk-95 minutes

Ok all of this should get you started!!
I'm excited about feeling better and taking better care of myself..
Get started and make sure to send me e-mails on how your doing.
I would Love to see pics of you training..I'll try and post some of those.
love you guys,


WOW! Over 15 friends and family have joined up for the 5k in October "The Covered Bridge Festival".
Who else has the "eye of the tiger"?

Thursday, May 14, 2009

All in a days work

Channie Mae loves her cat shoogie. She spends her day carrying shoogie around and making sure shoogie gets enough sleep and gets enough to eat. Every morning Channie calls for her at the back door and when she comes she sweeps her in her arms and they begin their day together...They play mama and baby for most of the day and Channie will come in from time to time to tell on Shoogie " Mama shoogie wont play with me."
You gotta love Shoogie...........

Would you help me honor the life of William

Ok, I know I only have a few readers...But I love you guys. Thanks for taking the time to come by and sit a while and get to know me.
Right now I'm starting to train for my first 5-k. It will be in October and I'm running in honor of William. I have a dear friend who is also training to do this run with me. So, I thought why not get others involved? Not only would you feel better but you could help our family honor the life of our child. I also hope it would honor the Lord.
No money, no gimmicks, just training, just getting in shape and doing it with others.

Every day I will post what I do and what I eat. I need to lose at least 20lbs.
I have been training now for two weeks and I had to start at the bottom because for 8 months I would not lift anything (because of the pregnancy) so you can imagine the horrible shape I'm in.
You have to be already ahead of me.

It will be a blast to share getting in shape .
IF you live out of town you can come and stay at our house the weekend of the run. We can share a huge dinner and camping out on the farm.....

So what do you say? Who wants to join me?
You don't Have to run, you could walk it. Just say you'll do it.....

People who I know might be reading that could do this:
The Mississippi crowd...
My sister-in-law
Our church family.....
The boy scout troop......
Union Hill group...
My adoption friends...(Brandi, Missy, to name just two)
Sunday night crowd.
Who else..

Come on guys, get up, lets do this.
You have months to get ready, so no excuses.....

It will be fun and it will be just coming together for a common good.
We would have to feel better right???

Ok, so it's out there. If your interested all you have to do is leave a comment or
email me.....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our cat Shoogie

The verse we're remembering this week..

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed for His compassion never fails.Lamentations 3 22-26

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yard Sale Saturday

The girls and I set out for our "girls only" yard sale day.

We are avid bargain hunters and a little rain won't stop us.....Ok, so it was pouring so bad I had to pull off the side of the road at one point. We didn't give up though and stopped at our first yard sale where a group of ladies were our best friends before we left. We shared our hearts, they shared their junk and we parted ways with phone numbers in hand and a promise to stay in touch. Now that's a yard sale.

Our next stop was in small town full of little old people. We fit in with the best of them. They loved channie and she loved the attention. Taylor and I loved the butter dishes and soap we found at this quaint little antique shop.

You probably would have passed it by but we were desperate for a good find and we found several. We also got a free hotdog and coke just because they wanted to be nice to their customers. Channie, Tay and I ate it on the front porch (in the pouring rain) as we swapped stories with the older gentlemen.

We needed more bread pans and we found these at the local thrift store for .50 each.

We also bought Channie a new pair of church shoes for 5.00, alittle pricey for me, but I couldn't say no to the lady who was almost in tears as she was telling me the story about her baby out growing these shoes..(her baby is 19)hey, I'm a sucker for a good story...

We also found soap....We are going to be making our own next week, but these were a bargain and smelled delicious so we grabbed them.

Since we are saving on our power bill and making supper a little more special we picked up a bunch of candles for .25 a bundle.....

I encourage you all to put aside a few hours every Saturday for a few yard sales.

It's a great way to meet new people and get some great bargains...

Treasures: 25.oo

Lunch: free

but time with my girls: priceless.........


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