On my journey to teaching Taylor and Channie about things they can do to help enrich their future home I wanted them to learn how to make their own healthy home-made soap.
Since I was never taught these things and they're probably a lost art Kathy from teaching good things and I decided to go straight to the top and learn from a pro..
Missi from Cheeky Maiden Soap Company came into my home and worked with the girls and Kathy and I for an entire day and showed us step by step how to make beautiful delicious soap. This has to be one of my new favorite things to do.It's simple (especially when you have Missi standing over you walking you through step by step.) I'm a very visual learner so this was more than helpful.
I'm never afraid to ask someone to show me and the girls how to do something.
Just don't let your summer get away from you..
Decide what you want to learn and plan on learning a new thing at least once a month during summer.
Soap making is a way that the girls can earn money or supplement their future husbands income..
We made 5lbs of goat milk, oatmeal and lavender soap. You notice I said goat milk....Yes it's from our goats..I guess 6.00am milkings have paid off.:)
Now start planning!!What do you want to teach your kids this summer?
I can't wait to try it.
Robin I have been loving your blog and all the things you are teaching your girls.
I am going to do exactly what you said..we need plans for the summer any who!
By the way I am doing my best to get in shape to run the 5k. May not be able to run with you but will be running at home in your sweet boys honor.
Love Jessica
Hey there! I am glad to find your blog through a comment you left-however I think the comment was for "Jess"-I am assuming it was for "Dearest Jessica"
I still appreciated the comment and posted it, it was in a weird way encouragement as God is dealing with my heart and adoption etc.
It is hard to explain, but I feel you would understand...
I am going to go explore your blog. Thanks for stopping by mine.
Jen :)
How awesome! When you get a chance, maybe you could post a tutorial and teach us. The bars look wonderful!
I was going to call today and see if you got a chance to slice them up. They look fabulous!
Hey, I think I left my super secret recipe notebook there. LOL. can you guys bring it on Sunday? I'm LOST without it!!! Thanks!
I plan on getting a friend over to help us sew summer dresses for our little girls. I am not a good seamstress and she is an excellent one, so like you I figured why not get someone who is an expert.
There are so many things to learn..and so little time to do so.
Paul's Family,
Here are a few tutorials I linked to for easy girl's dresses:
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