Food has been awesome!!
But when Jo speaks we all stop and listen and are in awe of how perfectly they are formed on his silent lips. We listen, We perk up, We know that what he has to say is important...
Yes how I wished I could be more like my quiet son.
My words few but powerful when spoken.
The words Scott and I say to each other would never cross my lips to someone else.
Just as I know that the way he looks at me and tells me how beautiful I am he would never say to someone else.
Not because I'm the most beautiful woman in the world but because I'm his beloved and I'm beautiful to him and I am his world.
I know this to be true of his character and he teaches this to our sons.
He used the example of our flight to tell our boys that:
"You will need to remove yourself from situations sometimes that offend you. How would your wife feel if she walked on the plane and saw you sitting next to someone half dressed? There may not be anything at all going on but you don't want to ever make your wife feel uncomfortable, you never want to put yourself in a situation that could effect your marriage in anyway."
I have some friends who are not bothered by their husbands being alone with their secretary or traveling for business with other women, this again is an area in which we don't daddle in.
I also have a friend that her husband refused to work in an office alone with another female employee because they had made a promise to each other to never be alone with the opposite sex. The guy that owned the business didn't have a problem with it and they worked out a schedule so that the husband was never put in that situation. Our friend's desire to honor his wife makes us respect them all the more.
I'm teaching Taylor why it's so important for her to dress modestly.
Do I believe she has to wear long black skirts and a head covering? No, I don't see that standard in the bible, but the standard I do see in the bible is to love thy neighbor. If you're busy loving others you would never want to hurt anyone...by your actions or your dress... especially the person whom you will spend your life with.
It's been a lot of fun talking with Scott on this subject and I appreciate his leadership in this area.
I'm thankful for his faithfulness in all areas of our marriage and I'm thankful that he honors me when I'm around and when I'm not around.
Remember It's a slow fade:
Be careful little eyes what you see Be careful little eyes what you seeIt’s the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the stringsBe careful little feet where you goFor it’s the little feet behind you that are sure to follow
It’s a slow fade when you give yourself awayIt’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to grayThoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paidWhen you give yourself awayPeople never crumble in a dayIt’s a slow fade, it’s a slow fade
Be careful little ears what you hearWhen flattery leads to compromise, the end is always nearBe careful little lips what you sayFor empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray
It’s a slow fade when you give yourself awayIt’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to grayThoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paidWhen you give yourself awayPeople never crumble in a daycasting crown lyrics on www.lyrics-celebrities.anekatips.com
The journey from your mind to your handsIs shorter than you’re thinkingBe careful if you think you standYou just might be sinking
It’s a slow fade when you give yourself awayIt’s a slow fade when black and white have turned to grayThoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paidWhen you give yourself awayPeople never crumble in a dayDaddies never crumble in a dayFamilies never crumble in a day
Oh be careful little eyes what you seeOh be careful little eyes what you seeFor the Father up above is looking down in loveOh be careful little eyes what you see
made my day..I bought this cute little
leather chair for 10.00 bucks
and the wicker lamp for $5.oo
the colorful pillow for $1.oo
This has made a cozy nook in my living room for gathering little ones in my lap and reading a book or two.
This has been one of my better buys at a yard sale...
Alot has to do with where you go and what time you get there.
You have to know your neighborhoods..and you have to get there early.