Is it enough to live a quiet happy life? To raise our children to love the Lord, but never let them experience sharing the Lord with a lost world?
Is it enough to care for our families and go to church on Sunday and sit back and say " life is good"?
Is it enough to feel sorry for the hungry and the fatherless and maybe give some of our crumbs from our over flowing table? After all, we have to take care of our families first.
Is it enough to keep ourselves sheltered from the real world where people are hurting, people are dying not knowing Christ and we sit back and say maybe one day when I don't have so much to do I'll help. Is this the pattern our Lord set before us to follow?
To live our lives, enjoy our pleasures, raise our kids, be in a good church, have some good friends and grow old and die and have it said of us"They lived a good life."
I have been dealing with some conviction in my life lately about my walk with the Lord and what He expects from me. What He expects me to be teaching my children.
To be honest I don't want to live a "good life." I want to live a sold out, took chances, helped many life. I want my kids to not be afraid to do the things that everyone else is afraid to do.
Example: adoption. There are millions and millions of kids around the world that need a mom and dad. And there are only a handful of people willing because the risk is too great! The money is too much, the travel too long, the investment not part of our retirement goals.
Don't we want a life after we raise our kids? Someone else will do it. I already have x number of kids, God doesn't expect me to adopt.
I believe Scripture is clear about taking care of orphans and I believe it says we're all to do it.
I believe we're all to take care of poor people. I believe we're all to be actively making a difference in the life of those less fortune.
We have been lulled to sleep and numbed with the pleasures of this world.
We have forgotten it's not about our comfort, it's about how to Glorify the Lord with our lives by loving the unlovable, feeding His sheep, taking chances even when it seems impossible.
We have leaned on the government system for so long that we have forgotten that our Saviour is in the business of moving mountains, if it's His will.
I believe so many of us don't really believe that anymore.
We have a "feel good" approach to life that leads to boredom.
C.T Studd wrote:
"Some wish to live a life within the sound of church or bell
I want to live to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell."
Christianity that costs nothing produces the same.
For so long we wait and let someone else do the hard things and we praise them
for their devotion to the Lord while we sit and pat our fat bellies and thank God for
giving us rest and peace.
That is not the life Christ has been an example of. He was and still is a life that is constantly poured out for others. Not just for your own crying babes but for the crying babes that have no-one. The ones that don't look like you.
He pours himself out for the poor. Not just bringing a meal to your friends who had a baby.
He wants you to feed the POOR. The ones without food. He wants us to clothe people.
He wants us to get our hands dirty.
He wants and expects us to all to be working for His kingdom, not for our own little kingdom.
How much money do we give to the poor?
How much time do we spend seeking out people who need our help?
How much time do we spend opening our home to non-believers?
Outside of our "safe circle" of friends, what do we really do to help?
You give money at church to a organization, just to say you did, but have no idea
what their really doing with that money because we're to busy to look into it.
I'm just saying..
He wants us to lose our life so He can help us find Him.
We want to be fed, sleep all night, and experience a great worship service, and then sit back and and talk about how bad the world is.
When is someone going to change it?
The right president, the right senators, etc.
How about the right US. We are no different than the luke warm Christians that hold office.
It's easy to judge them because we're here and no-one points a finger at us for living a luke warm life.
We call it tolerance.
I wonder what The Lord calls it?