I saw the dress a week earlier and loved it. It was black and cream with a beaded middle
The best part was that it came with an American girl doll dress that matched it.
I couldn't justify buying this dress for Channie because it was $20.00 and all of our money is going toward paying our adoption off, so funds are alittle tight.
When I went by the window again a week later the same dress caught my attention. I reasoned it probably wouldn't even fit her. So I took it out to the van and tried it on her and it fit so perfect.

That's when Tucker (who has his own money from cutting his grandmothers grass) spoke up and handed me a $20 bill and said "Mom, I want to buy Channie her Christmas dress."
My first response was to say "no Tuck that's your money, wait and buy yourself something."
Why as parents do we discourage giving? This was something Tucker doesn't normally do because he is usually saving to buy something for himself.
So I said "Are you sure?"
He said "Yes, that's a beautiful dress and Channie will look so pretty in it."
From the back-seat Channie said "oh Tucker, thank you bubba."
What if I would have let him miss out on the feeling of giving away something and knowing that Channie could not give anything back to him except for her love. Is this not the lessons that are best learned from home and hearth?
I truly think he wanted me to be able to see Channie in that dress.
I don't think a 14 year old boy thinks alot about his little sisters wardrobe, but I think any boy worth his weight cares about his mamma's desires even if it's a silly Christmas dress.
He didn't want me to have to put it back....
So when we came home and Channie tried on her dress again and put Rosie in her new dress, she twirled and danced and asked Tucker
"do I look like a princess?" and his reply
"You always do".....
Oh Robin -
That is so sweet! We are all here crowded around the computer all teary eyed thinking in amazement how wonderful Tucker is. You are blessed! Thanks Tucker for being a sensitive and caring young man!
Mrs. White,
That was so sweet! I love that!!
Tucker is so sweet.
Everything about that post was beautiful. Your wording...the photos... the dress... Channie... and most of all, Tucker's heart.
That is so sweet.
Seriously weeping! Tears of beautiful joy at God's love IN families!
That is so funny....because the same thing happened with Logan and Gracyn...except this was a pair of sponge bob pajama's that Gracyn wanted....he used his birthday money to buy them and insisted on it! God has blessed us with some great and thoughtful young men Rob! I love you all....tell Tucker he is awesome! Channie looks amazing in that beautiful dress by the way! Brought tears to my eyes sister! Brotherly love!
Am I silly, because this act of kindess has me crying. Lovely dress!
That story is such a precious story! What an awesome young man of God your Tucker is! I could see my Jeremiah doing the same! Praise God for godly, giving sons!
That actual made me tear up. What a special brother she has!
God bless,
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