1.What has been your biggest accomplishment- having a successful marriage with Robin.. going on 18 years it gets stronger every year.
2.Who is one of your go to guys when it comes to marriage and manhood? The men at my church and the books, and cd's from vision forum they continue to affirm and challenge me as a husband and father.
3. What is your biggest challenge as a husband? Staying ahead of Robin. when I want to rest on my laurels I can't because she is charging ahead.
4. What is your biggest challenge as a father? Feeding twins at 2.00am... Seriously..., being consistent in how I instruct and discipline the kids.
5. What do you think is wrong with most men today-unsubmissive wives.LOL Seriously.... Unsubmissive hearts, not wanting to be the leader God wants them to be.
6.What would you tell someone who wanted to start being the leader of his home-
assuming he's a christian I would suggest listening to the cd "Women and Children first" by Doug Phillips for starters and find a church that requires you to lead your family. Get around men who are doing it right and you will soon find yourself wanting to lead.
7. What is the challenge of being the father of a large family-sleep... no seriously... sleep...ok moving right along..
8. Do you have a favorite devotion book for your family that you would recommend
Morning and Evening by Charles Surgeon. This is great lessons on Faith this book has changed the way we do family devotions.
8. What is one secret wives should know about their husband- less is not always better!
9. What would be your idea Christmas gift this year- refer to above..
10.What does the upcoming year 2010 have in store for your family?
lets see, birthday parties, boy scout trips, dates with my first lady, a few 5k's, a nice vacation, more instructing, a few tears and lots of laughter.
My prayer is that our family can glorify the Lord more in 2010 then we did in 2009.
I pray we grow in wisdom and instruction as a family to fear the Lord more.
So there you have it folks my witty, charming, sleep deprived husband and fearless leader.
It's an honor to serve with him and under him.
Very funny Mr. W!
So funny...I think I hear my Dear Husb. in #8 and #9. LOL...
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