Monday, January 18, 2010

We hold the keys to the future generations, we can't lose them...

Titus 1 v6
An elder must be blameless, the husband of but one wife, a man whose
children believe and are not open to the charge of being wild and disobedient.
7 Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless not overbearing,
not quick tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain.
8 Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self controlled, upright,
holy and disciplined.

I have a daughter who wants to marry early, Lord willing.
So when we look around at the eligible "husband pool"
I wonder if Scott and I are training our sons enough for the
job of future husband, future fathers, future elders.

I had the privilege of hearing Voddie Baucham at a semi-local
Church last night and he reminded us as parents that
all boys should be raised to be elders.

Is it not the calling of most young men to raise up Godly families?
How do we make sure we're doing our part to raise up the future generation of elders?

The word of God should be the most important thing you teach your kids today.
Not math, or spelling, or how to recite the ABC's, it should be the bible.
We should set up training camp and make sure our boys understand that they
have a role in the next generation of Christians and they cannot fail to take
on that role.

As a mom we have to get out of our minds that our boys will grow up "one day".
No, they won't according to Voddie. We have to train them now...We have to stop
making excuses for our lazy, dis-respectful sons and keep in mind
we are training future warriors.

So you don't wait until they're 12 to do this you start when they're little.
Giving them a job and making them do excellent work.
Training them to treat their sisters above all others to protect her
and watch out for her.

It all comes down to
Training... Training.... Training...

So as we're looking around at the "husband pool" we are looking for future elders for our daughters.
She will spend her time serving him and he will spend his time washing her in the word and leading her on
as only a husband can do.
He will have had to be trained
just like we are training her to be a keeper of his home.

She has alot to learn and she will learn most of what she needs
under his gently watchful post.

I have to believe there are elders being raised up by Godly christian
families who will be a Godly christian leader for our daughters.

If we have sons at home
we hold the key
to shaping the future.

1 comment:

smallseven said...

Well spoken, Robin! I give it a hearty Amen! We have our work cut out for us! God help us to do it with excellence!


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