I wish I could tell you that the years were slow in coming. That I knew that one day I would awake and you would be all grown up, but I can't. A blink of the eye and now your grown. That fast!
I love being your mother Taylor! I have so many wonderful memories over the past 17 years of your presence in my life, in our life, that are memorable.... but one memory I have of you that stands out above all others because it shows your heart, is when William died and the rain seemed to never stop and you were gone and I caught sight of you coming from Williams grave and I met you on the porch and you said "I put my coat over Williams grave; it's cold and wet. I guess I'm just always the big sister"
Sure enough when I went down the next day there your coat lay over your brother. always protecting, always concerned. I will never forget that day as long as I live. You are different and everyone says so. You don't like the spotlight and you don't want anyone to feel left out. You are loyal and you love well..There is not a ounce of laziness in you and I'm thankful you're my daughter.. As I have been noticing you growing up it changes me. I've slowed way down. I take in every moment with you and the others. I don't ever miss the chance to build memories..because I know that time goes fast...
You and I have solved the worlds problems many times over with a bag of tortilla chips and salsa and I look forward to the up coming year and all that it brings......
Happy Birthday!
Love, Mom

That is such a beautiful post about Taylor! I am always amazed by her love and kindness. She is a precious friend.
~loved the pictures!
I have to agree, Taylor is VERY different and special! Her outer beauty is only a small glimpse of her inner beauty!
Beautiful post! Happy birthday Taylor!
Happy Birthday Taylor. That story about William made me want to cry. I love big sisters.
Love ya girl!
Lovely...your Taylor.
Tears are falling off my wrinkled face.....for real.... I really can cry Rob. Oh how you truly understand what matters. Tay you are so blessed to have such an awesome mom. Thank you for being such an awesome daughter to my best friend. Luv ya
Robin, I have been reading your blog for about a year (since Sherri Shaw turned me on to it right after you lost William). Your posts always inspire me! This one about Taylor is so beautiful! I pray that I can be that close to my daughter (she's 10) and raise her as well as you have your children. I don't even know Taylor, but I can tell from all your posts that she is different! And that is great! The Bible tells us to be different! Thank you for your blog, because it inspires me to work even harder to be the mother and wife that God intended! May God continue to richly bless you and your family!
Thank you everyone for your sweet words..
What a beautiful post for your sweet daughter. You are blessed to have that relationship with her. We hope she had a wonderful birthday! Missy
love this sweet girl and her momma. hope her birthday was grand.
we love you guys too Missy!!
coming to the beach soon....
What a beautiful relationship with a beautiful daughter! You are BLESSED!
She is so lovely. Such a gift, I'm sure.
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