Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Heat

The summer heat is pounding hard on the dry parched earth we call home.
The ground beneath our toes burns to the touch.
The garden almost done, barely hanging on 

 Taylor built the boys a tin foil river for the day.
The hours passed as they floated their men down.
I believe her mama is rubbing off on her.
She is always coming up with neat things to do with the kids
and I'm so thankful that one day she will share these
same things with her kids.

Channie and the girls stay in their pajamas all day.
Playing babies or blocks. They sit next to each other when there
is plenty of open chairs. Sharing a small space that only sisters
can share. 

Cullen playing in the bathtub until I make him get out. The water long cold. He plays and
cools off from a hot day outside.  

 The girls sitting in a sink full of warm coconut lavender water while Taylor and I cook.
Pulling them out and wrapping them up in a towel and smelling their skin.
Now this really melts their mama's heart<3

Yes, the heat is out there, but we're in here.
Together for the day.
I'm so thankful for the coolness of my air
and the water that fills my tubs and sinks.
I'm thankful for these long summer days that I think will
never end, but soon enough the fall wind will show herself
and these days will be gone forever, so I enjoy them now. 


Intentional Living Homestead said...

Amazing how different our weather is...we are finally "drying out" with warm weather here on the west coast....FINALLY!!!! Been the worst weather and rain recorded for this time of year...and we are basking in it's glory.

What a beautiful family you the photo of your girls sitting in the sink.


Renata said...

I enjoyed your "heat" today - we're in the middle of winter (although I must say that the last few days have been very spring like & the children have been grabbing every chance they can to play outside). My son was here reading your post & he now wants to make a tin foil river as well - I think I shall encourage it when it warms up a little more!
Hope you have a wonderful day - enjoy your precious family

Cindy said...

Robin what a cute idea with the foil. I would of never thought of that.

Keeping cool is the word around here.Sometimes I just go and hit the pool...get out dry off a little and walk around and do some work outside all

Yeah I am country down to my

We are plowing up the ground tomorrow. We are going to try and replant okra, blackeyes, zuchinni and some watermelon.I have some new tomatoe plants to put out.I also want to try pumpkins.
I don't know how it will do with temps still 102-105...if I can keep them alive they should bloom about the time it starts getting a little know in the 90's.

Love the childrens keeping cool plan...right up my alley...stay inside.

Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

Heart4Adoption said...

Beautiful post...Beautiful family:)


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