The morning of Tucker's wedding we woke up on the beautiful Leegacy Farm in the heart of Tennessee.
The roosters were crowing and the chill in the air made you want to be outside walking on those dirt roads.
I gently tapped Scott and said you wanna walk with me? He said sure and off we went, talking about the spirit on this farm and this family. We had been so tired after the rehearsal dinner the night before so we were just going to stop by the big house and say hey before we retired for the night but being the Lee's they had company and everyone was piled in their busy kitchen washing dishes and the laughter could be heard through the screen door as we climbed the stairs.
We were weary
I was thirsty.
We only meant to stay a minute but instead ended up staying close to two hours talking and laughing and catching up with our dear friends.
Somewhere between Cane creek and the dirt road we lose ourselves every-time in the beauty of the Lee's farm and, well the Lee's themselves.
We were weary from a long day of travel and wedding prep and from the moment we drove up we had
hug after hug and tears. My tears as I realized the Lee's were growing up. Especially sweet Hannah.
I was refreshed with deep conversations and the best spring water this side of heaven.
We chatted about child raising, farm happenings and life in general.
All the while the guys were putting cows in pastures and girls crowded around tables talking about
Taylor's big belly and "how she met John" stories.
I didn't want to leave but we had a wedding the next day and I knew we must get off to bed
in the bunk house. We made pallets and climbed in beds and all the kids said
I love it here. I do too I said.
The bunk house is A cozy little place that happens to be beside the milking station.
So the next morning while the roosters were still crowing Channie Mae, ran outside to meet
Emily and Josh as they were bringing the Jerseys up to be milked.
She was in heaven right there in the middle of this farm.
The Lee's don't ignore our smaller children In fact they go out of their way
to make sure all my children feel loved and cherished and I love that about them.
The Kids learn something new every single time we go. They feel
special and in return they never ever want to leave.
I want to wear the smile that Emily wears when Joe milks for the first time.
I want to be patient and kind and delightful. I want to have my front door open wide
and say come and visit if you can. The hospitality is just overwhelming and all they offered was
a cool drink out of a tin cup. I took their offering and was refreshed.
No-one besides Channie much cares for milking but I made them all at least try.
Because sometimes you have to try new things and sometimes you need a push and I don't mind
doing the pushing.
So just a few hours before my son said "I do" I was milking a cow. I actually sang to her
while all my children watched. I had on Scott's gym shorts and I milked like I would never milk again,
All my Children were laughing as I sang 'oh my darling' including my son John .I want to be remembered
for milking cows on stressful days and singing to them. I want to push them to do new things because new things are sometimes the best things.
Josie milked with both hands and as the milk came flowing Emily gently said
Great job Josie.
Ellie was not so sure she needed milk ever again but she tried
and I was happy she did.
Channie milked in a borrowed skirt and sat on a dirty bucket
and would have sat there all day long.
She snuggled deep under covers the night before and said I love it here
and I said I know Channie I do too.
So here we are in the middle of a farm in Tennessee before the sun has a chance to even yawn
and we're all laughing and milking a cow and my memory bank is full for a long time.
Some how we have to bring back our front porches. We have to bring back the simple art
of being able to invite ourselves by just to say hello and end up staying for a couple of hours
and being encouraged to continue on the different path of doing things different.
Teaching our children to invest in the lives of those who come a knocking and always having a cup of refreshing water and a smile.